
How to use substring() method in JavaScript?

How to use substring() method in JavaScript?, someone asked me to explain?

In this article we will discuss to how to use substring() method. It has two parameter start and end. Start is required parameter and it specifies where the position should to start. End is optional parameter it specifies where the extraction should end. If the value of start parameter is greater than the end parameter then the method will swap the two arguments, start treated as end and end will be treated as start.


Extract 12 characters

<script type="text/javascript">

    var mystring = ".net Tutorial for developers";

    var result = mystring.substring(0,13);




Extract 12 characters using substring

If start value greater than end

<script type="text/javascript">

    var mystring = ".net Tutorial for developers";

    var result = mystring.substring(13,5);





start value greater than end in substring


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